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Who Is Guilty of the Worst Corporate Conduct in 2018?

This has been a bad year for corporations; not for their bottom lines, per se, but for their reputations: Facebook and Cambridge Analytica sold us out. United Airlines let people’s pets die. An autonomous Uber car hit and killed a pedestrian in Tempe. Google is embroiled in sexual harassment accusations. Sloan Kettering’s CEO made money…

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Truck Company Liability for Flying Tire Debris

Commercial vehicles haul a lot of products. Sometimes, those trucks have open tops (like some dump trucks) or open sides, which increases the risk of debris spilling from the truck and on the road – or onto your car. As a driver, you are generally expected to be on the lookout for road debris. Drivers…

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How Much Can I Get for My Personal Injury Settlement?

 As far as asking how much you might be able to get for a personal injury settlement, there are so many variables. It’s like asking what will this cookie taste like before you have the ingredients. You just don’t know. You gotta wait. You gotta gather the facts. You’ve gotta get your medical treatment.…

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Can You Claim Damages if You Are Hurt by a Space Heater?

A study conducted from 2003 to 2013 by the National Institute of Health (NIH) revealed that there were 53,636 space heater-related thermal burn injuries in that time frame. Many of these injuries occurred, as one would expect, during the winter months. In January of 2018, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) issued a release stating…

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Birth Injuries Due to Exposure to a Teratogen

A teratogen is an agent that can cause a birth defect. There are many different sources of teratogens which pregnant mothers need to be aware of, and should review with their doctors. According to, about four to five percent of birth defects are caused by teratogen exposure. Teratogens are believed to mostly affect a…

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What Is a Construction Site Injury?

 If you were injured on a construction site, you’re not alone. Construction sites are very dangerous places. Injuries can happen for lots of different reasons. One of the things that comes into play on a construction site injury is, most workers on the site are going to be covered by workers’ compensation. The advantage…

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I Got Bit by a Dog. Is It Anyone’s Fault?

 It can be. Obviously, if you are provoking the dog, then it’s your fault; it’s not going to be the dog’s fault or the dog’s owner’s fault. But if you’re minding your own business – it doesn’t have to even be a dog bite – if the dog gets loose: in Phoenix area, for…

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Sexual Harassment and Abuse Claims in Arizona

According to recent data, 12 percent of employees have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. Among these victims, many simply remain silent. A survey conducted by CareerBuilder reveals that more than 7 in 10 employees who endure sexual harassment in a work environment do not report the event. In addition, more than half of sexual…

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