Are Bars Responsible if They Over Serve a Customer and it Causes an Accident?
Bars can be responsible if they over serve patrons, get them drunk and then an injury happens. It may seem counterintuitive that somebody who’s in the business of serving alcohol, actually is required not to serve too much alcohol, but it’s an important rule in the law because it’s necessary to prevent injury and death and mayhem to all the rest of us.
If you’ve been hit by a drunk driver, maybe that driver didn’t have enough insurance, be thinking about the bar and how much liquor they served that driver.
Schedule your free initial consultation with a Phoenix injury lawyer from Plattner Verderame, PC, today, call us, 602-266-2002.

I have been active in leadership in the Arizona Association for Justice (lawyers who represent injured folks, and formerly known as the Arizona Trial Lawyers Association) since 1985. I served as President in 1991. I was an active participant in battles to protect the Arizona Constitution from the insurance industry and big business interests in 1986, 1990 and 1994.
Read more about Richard Plattner