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Patients Suing Hospital That Did Not Properly Sterilize Equipment

Twenty-five people are suing a hospital in Springfield, Massachusetts after the hospital used unsterilized equipment.  Baystate Noble Hospital failed to properly sanitize equipment used for colonoscopies in 2012 and 2013.  At least 293 patients were affected, and Baystate Noble is testing each of those patients who choose to be tested.  At this point, at least…

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Wrongful Death Suit Filed for Death of Mentally Ill Inmate

The estate and family of a mentally ill Oregon man have filed suit against the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office for the man’s death in prison.  Bradley Thomas, 55, was found dead of significant dehydration in his cell two weeks after being booked on misdemeanor allegations.  The autopsy classified the death as a “sudden death in…

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President Obama Nominates US Supreme Court Justice

What Happened:  Judge Merrick Garland was announced by President Obama last week as the President’s nominee to fill the current vacancy on the Supreme Court of the United States (often referred to as “SCOTUS”).  If confirmed by the Senate, Judge Garland would be the 113th Supreme Court Justice and fill the vacancy created when Justice Antonin Scalia…

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Pop Warner Settles Lawsuit for Suicide

Pop Warner Football settled a lawsuit with a Wisconsin woman whose son committed suicide allegedly due to head injuries incurred while he played football as a child.  Debra Pyka filed the suit against Pop Warner because her son, Joseph Chernach, played in the league as a child and thereafter suffered from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). …

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Deflategate – Legal Terms Defined

By Randall Hinsch During my commute to and from the office I usually listen to sports talk radio or Howard Stern. It depends on what is going on in the world. Lately, I’ve been listening to more sports radio. Deflategate has been the hot topic. I have my opinions as a sports fan listening, but…

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German Wings Flight 9525 Tragedy

Germanwings Flight 9525 Tragedy We extend our condolences to the families of the victims of the recent airplane crash in France. Family members of the crash victims who would like to investigate and potentially prosecute the claim against the companies that provide the training and the airlines that hire them to do so, may find that the best…

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Malpractice Situation Not Dire

Analysis of Texas Claims Finds ‘Sea of Calm,’ Overall Stability in Tort System by Ceci Connolly, Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, March 10, 2005; Page A08 In his pitch for legislation imposing a “hard cap of $250,000” on medical malpractice awards for non-economic damages, President Bush points the finger at what he calls “a broken medical liability…

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Locking The Courthouse Door

Big business and big government seek to deny consumers access to our courts by restricting contingent fees. by Richard S. Plattner Institutional defendants have spent millions of dollars to limit the right of individual Americans to get justice in court when they are maimed or killed by negligence or defective products. Government entities and large corporations…

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Discovery Czar 2004

DISCOVERY DISPUTES: HOW TO RUN THE RAILROAD WITHOUT RAILROADING ANYBODY (An open letter to trial judges) Over the approximately 75 years since the legal system moved from “trial by ambush” to an ever-expanding scope of pretrial information exchange, lawyers have complained about the way judges handle discovery disputes, with inconsistency of outcomes as the major…

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Wife of County Supervisor Facing New Sex Offense Charges

In October, Susan Marie Brock, the wife of Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock, was arrested on charges of having a long-term sexual relationship with a teenage boy. The teen, who is now 17, told police that the sexual abuse began when he was 14 years old. Frank VerderamePartner Frank Verderame is a seasoned trial attorney,…

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What The Government Doesn’t Know Can Hurt You

Suing the state or federal government for the actions of a governmental employee is often much more difficult than suing a private citizen. The state of Arizona and the federal government both have what is referred to as sovereign immunity – these governmental entities are shielded from lawsuits by private citizens in many instances. This…

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Tribal Courts Can Halt Arizona Personal Injury Claims

Federally recognized American Indian tribes are sovereign entities with the right to self-government. As sovereigns, they are responsible for economic development, financial solvency and the general welfare of their members. Importantly, tribes also have sovereign immunity, which makes it difficult to sue a tribe or a tribal entity, such as a casino, in state or…

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Tips for Choosing a Doctor in Arizona

Selecting a physician is a daunting but important task. You want to find someone you can trust to provide advice or treatment that may save your life. It pays to do some research instead of randomly selecting a physician from your health plan’s list or other directory. A survey in Consumer Reports found that those…

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The Justice System Works: El Tour de Tucson Set to Begin Again

The annual El Tour de Tucson in Arizona is one of the more popular and successful public bicycling touring events with up to 11,000 bicyclists registered each year to cycle distances of varying lengths and raise money for various charitable causes. Frank VerderamePartner Frank Verderame is a seasoned trial attorney, who has dedicated his life…

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Staying Safe Around Dogs

A dog is a beloved member of any family. Whether it is going for a jog in the park or just walking around the block, dog owners get countless hours of enjoyment by spending time with their pets. While most dogs are well-behaved, they are still animals. They can bite at any time with little…

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Randall Hinsch Selected as One of Arizona’s Finest Lawyers

The law firm of Plattner Verderame Arizona Injury Lawyers, announces that Randall A. Hinsch has been selected as one of Arizona’s Finest Lawyers. Approximately six percent of the Arizona State Bar’s members – including active, inactive and retired lawyers – receive this honor. Frank VerderamePartner Frank Verderame is a seasoned trial attorney, who has dedicated…

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Plattner Verderame Announces Frank Verderame Named to Arizona’s Finest Lawyers

The law firm of Plattner Verderame Arizona Injury Lawyers, is proud to announce that Frank Verderame has been named to the annual list of Arizona’s Finest Lawyers. Of Arizona State Bar’s current members including active, inactive and retired lawyers, only about six percent receive this honor. Frank VerderamePartner Frank Verderame is a seasoned trial attorney,…

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New Truck Lane Restrictions in Arizona?

Truck lane restrictions are becoming increasingly common along America’s interstates, state highways and toll roads. As of April 2010, a number of states, including Texas, Missouri, Tennessee and Virginia have enacted laws restricting trucks to specific traffic lanes in high-traffic areas. These restrictions commonly appear in well-traveled metro areas where passenger vehicles frequently enter and…

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New Technology to Combat Wrong-Way Driver Accidents

Car accidents involving wrong-way drivers have become more common in recent years, even as the overall crash rate has fallen, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Unfortunately, Arizona is not immune from the problem. In 2009, 23 people in Arizona died in motor vehicle accidents caused by a driver who drove against…

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New Technology Sends Parents Texts When Car Goes Too Fast

Keeping tabs on your teenage son or daughter is tough enough, but it becomes even more nerve-wracking when you hand over the keys to the car. You say you trust them, but in reality, your thoughts run the gamut from worrying about them driving responsibly to driving too fast. Chrysler has come up with a…

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New Bills to Promote Road Safety in Arizona

Bills to improve on our streets appear to be gaining some traction in the Arizona Legislature. In this year’s session, the House voted to ban motorists from having children riding in the back of pickup trucks. In 35-24 vote, a bill requiring kids under age 18 to have seat belts while riding in open bed…

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Best Lawyers in America – 15 years in a row

Congratulations to our own Richard S. Plattner! Richard was selected by his peers to be included in The Best Lawyers in America, 21st edition for work in the practice areas of Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants and Personal Injury Litigation – Plaintiffs. Listing in the 2015 edition marks seventeen years since Richard was first listed in Best Lawyers. Through…

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New Arizona Law Prohibits Crash Taxes by Local Governments

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer recently signed a bill to stop local communities from charging at-fault drivers a fee for accident response services. Arizona is the 12th state to prohibit the practice. House Bill 2003 ends local government efforts to assess fees for emergency response services at a motor vehicle accident scene. Exceptions included rural area…

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Lawsuit Over Fiery Wreck on I-10 Highlights Trucking Liability Issues

On a heavily-traveled section of Interstate 10 between Phoenix and Tucson, disaster struck on September 8. An eastbound 18-wheeler driven reportedly crossed a median and entered the westbound lane, careening head-on into oncoming traffic. The rig slammed into a minivan, setting it aflame, before impacting another semi-tractor trailer and ultimately coming to a rest on…

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