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Car Crashes and Truck Accidents in Arizona

A lot of times, folks ask us if there’s a difference between getting into a car accident with another passenger vehicle, like a car or SUV, and with a commercial vehicle, like a big-rig. There are a lot of differences between these two types of accidents. In the following videos, partner Randy Hinsch will discuss those differences, and what you should do if you have been in a collision with a semi truck in Arizona.

What Is the Difference between a Truck Accident and a Car Crash?

The difference between a truck accident and a car accident is the truck accidents are more severe because of the size and weight of the trucks. Whether it’s on a local road or interstate highways, there are special regulations, special rules, governing how commercial truckers operate. We often see that they do not follow those rules, that they put profits over safety, they cut corners, they don’t do the proper inspection, they drive too long, and as a result, people are injured and killed every day by professional commercial trucking operations.

What Should You Do When You Get in a Car or Truck Accident?

After you’ve been in a car accident, the first thing you need to do is take care of yourself. If you’ve been injured, take care of those injuries. If somebody’s with you and they’re injured, take care of those injuries, and then get to a place of safety. You don’t want to be injured again at the scene of the car crash. If you’re able to, depending on the extent of your injuries, get out your cellphone and take photographs of your vehicle and the other vehicle involved in the crash.

There are a number of other important things you should be thinking about doing, and if you have questions, visit us at our website or call us at 602-266-2002. We proudly serve clients in Phoenix and throughout Arizona.