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How the Nonprofit Is Helping End Distracted Driving

How the Nonprofit Is Helping End Distracted DrivingDistracted driving is a leading cause of car, truck, and vehicle accidents across America. Distracted driving includes any activity that takes the driver’s focus off driving, whether it takes the driver’s eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, or mind off of traffic. Common examples include texting while driving, talking on a smartphone while driving, and eating while driving. Other forms include rubbernecking (staring at an accident site), looking at a GPS system, or drinking while driving. was founded by the parents of Casey Feldman, who was tragically killed in 2009 when she was struck and killed by a distracted driver. The Casey Feldman Memorial Foundation was organized by her parents, Joel Feldman and Dianne Anderson, to “Save lives from distracted driving through advocacy, education and action.”

Plattner Verderame Arizona Injury Lawyers, is proud to support the mission of, and to support the Casey Feldman Memorial Foundation. Attorney Nick Verderame has presented safety talks at schools throughout Arizona about the importance of ending distracted driving once and for all. By supporting the Foundation and its mission, we’re supporting a safer community.

How deadly is distracted driving?

According to

  • 37,461 people were killed on US Roads in 2016
  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving caused “10% of fatal crashes and 15% of injury crashes in 2015.”
  • According to AAA Foundation, driver distraction is the cause of more than 58% of crashes involving teens. is focused on using education to teach teenagers, young adults, and the public about the dangers of drunk driving and the precautions that children and parents need to take. the organization:

  • Uses science-based distracted driving presentations
  • Has a network of 500 speakers across the United States and in select locations in Canada
  • Has already spoken to more than 475,000 students about distracted driving – at no cost to the schools
  • “Created a bystander intervention program to teach teens how to effectively speak up when driven distracted by others”
  • Crafted presentations for parents so the parents can talk to their children about how to drive free from driver distraction has developed the following materials to help education everyone:

  • Video public service announcements. The most recent PSAs are on view. One example shows how having your eyes distracted for just a few seconds is the same as driving a football field – blind.
  • Education materials (they’re free), “including safe driving agreements, quizzes and surveys.”
  • Teen distracted driving video and meme contests. Videos and prizes are targeted to:
    • High schools and college students
    • Middle grade students
    • Elementary school students

How can your school, business, place of worship, or community organization become involved?

All organizations are encouraged to contact the foundation by filling out’s online form.

People can also help out by:

Among other information, the website has a review of the most recent (as of January 2019) laws on:

  • Texting while driving
  • Hand-held cell phone use
  • All cell phone use
  • Graduated licenses which include additional regulations for:
    • Cell phones and texting
    • Nighttime restrictions
    • Passenger restrictions
    • Novice Driver decal

At Plattner Verderame Arizona Injury Lawyers, our Phoenix trial lawyers do more than just try cases. We are dedicated to working with other lawyers and the public to help avoid the tragedy of fatal and catastrophic accidents. Too many of Arizona’s children are being killed or hurt by distracted rivers. Too many adults are dying or suffering injuries because someone couldn’t wait until the end of the car trip to text, talk, or eat.

We hope you will take the time to learn about the wonderful work is doing. Please call us at 602.266.2002 or fill out our contact form to arrange a time to speak with our office – so you can help keep Phoenix and Arizona safer.