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Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed by Estate of Actress Naya Rivera

The estate for late actress Naya Rivera, in conjunction with her ex-husband Ryan Dorsey, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of their son. The son, 5-year-old Josey Hollis Dorsey, survived a harrowing ordeal that claimed the life of his mother in July 2020. The wrongful death lawsuit was filed on November 16 to…

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Truck Backing-Up Accidents Can Be Deadly. Can White Noise Help?

Everyone – no matter where you live here in Arizona – is familiar with that obnoxious “beep beep” sound commercial trucks and vehicles make when they’re backing up. This sound is designed to alert passers-by like pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles when a truck goes into reverse. It’s supposed to let us know we should…

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Speeding Reaching Dangerous Levels During the Pandemic

Speeding on roads all across the country has become a serious problem during the COVID-19 pandemic. One might think that because most of the country is in lockdown mode that there wouldn’t be many problems on the roads. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth, as many police departments are seeing excessive speeds, some…

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The Rights of Delivery Drivers during the COVID-10 Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is drastically changing every aspect of our lives. Governmental orders and practical concerns about the dangers of the virus are forcing many people to stay home. While some Arizona residents are shopping at supermarkets and pharmacies, many are having their food, groceries and supplies delivered. Restaurants have shifted to using their own…

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Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19 – Are You Covered?

Famed celebrity chef Thomas Keller has filed a lawsuit against his insurance company, seeking compensation for business losses suffered during the current coronavirus pandemic. This is likely the first of many business interruption claims coming – and many insurance companies are already denying claims. Keller is asking the California courts to decide whether or not…

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What Are the Benefits of Hiring Board Certified Attorneys?

Victims of car accidents, slips and falls, product defects, burn injuries, and wrongful death injuries want the best lawyers for themselves and their family member. Some of the ways to determine how skilled a lawyer is include reviewing how many cases the firm has handled, what results they’ve achieved, how long they’ve been practicing, what…

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Monsanto Keeps Losing at Trial, but Roundup Might Not Go Away

In May, a California jury heard a case about a couple, Alva and Alberta Pilliod, who had used Roundup for decades and both developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. That same jury awarded the couple more than $2 billion in damages. In July, that award was slashed to $86.7 million. It was the third time that a jury…

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Why Backing Up a Truck is So Hazardous

Tractor-trailers, flatbeds, semis, and other commercial or large trucks are hard enough to control when the driver is going forward. Truck drivers who back their trucks up into traffic are virtually asking for an accident to happen. There are several reasons why backing up trucks are so dangerous: Unusual dimensions. The length of the trucks…

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Sharing the Roads Safely with Big Trucks in Arizona

Summer is approaching, and for those of us living in Arizona, that often means it’s time for family road trips. While the trips are fun, they also require sharing the road with large trucks. Even in the best of circumstances, that can be dangerous. People often think that sleepy, drunk, and otherwise distracted truck drivers…

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