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The Rights of Delivery Drivers during the COVID-10 Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is drastically changing every aspect of our lives. Governmental orders and practical concerns about the dangers of the virus are forcing many people to stay home. While some Arizona residents are shopping at supermarkets and pharmacies, many are having their food, groceries and supplies delivered. Restaurants have shifted to using their own…

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Juul E-Cigarette Litigation Continues

Juul, like other e-cigarette manufacturers, is under scrutiny by FDA with regard to its unsafe products. Multiple lawsuits have been filed, claiming that vaping can cause serious lung injuries, seizures, strokes, and other medical problems. The lawsuits also claim that Juul’s nicotine levels can lead to addiction. Time is reporting that one of those lawsuits…

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Brain Injuries – Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)

A complementary technology is being used to supplement magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests to better detect and to show the severity of brain injuries. This technology, called diffuse tensor imaging, has been around for about 20 years. According to Imagilys, “Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is an MRI-based neuroimaging technique which makes it possible to estimate the…

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Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19 – Are You Covered?

Famed celebrity chef Thomas Keller has filed a lawsuit against his insurance company, seeking compensation for business losses suffered during the current coronavirus pandemic. This is likely the first of many business interruption claims coming – and many insurance companies are already denying claims. Keller is asking the California courts to decide whether or not…

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Birth Injuries – Facial Injuries

Obstetricians and other doctors in the birth delivery and aftercare process should anticipate the many things that can go wrong – both in the delivery room and afterward in the hospital. There are many birth injuries that are preventable if they are treated competently and quickly. Some birth injuries affect a newborn’s life permanently. Others…

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Types of Healthcare Fraud That Can Lead to a Qui Tam Claim

Employees, contractors, and anyone who is aware of healthcare fraud may be eligible to receive a percentage of any recovery the government obtains if their disclosure is useful to the government. The False Claims Act authorizes awards, generally between 10 and 30 percent, for disclosing fraud by doctors, medical practices, laboratories, pharmacies, hospitals, and any…

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Important Information about COVID-19 for Arizona Residents

Everyone is deeply concerned about the novel coronavirus which has created a worldwide pandemic. The disease is shutting down most of the world. Our clients should know that our firm is keeping current with the latest health information and governmental requirements. We are working to advise our clients about the efforts of Plattner Verderame, P.C.…

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