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Arizona’s Elderly Are at Risk of Abuse and Neglect

Millions of elderly Americans live in nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living communities and other care arrangements, where they are essentially hidden from public view and must rely on the facility’s staff for all their daily needs. While most nursing homes are clean and adequately staffed, and the residents are cared for properly, some…

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Arizona Qui Tam Attorneys Discuss Healthcare Fraud Enforcement

There are three important federal laws that apply to healthcare fraud and abuse: The False Claims Act, the Stark Law and the Anti-Kickback Statute are three federal laws which govern other forms of compensation for doctors. Healthcare providers must navigate the complicated laws and potential regulatory pitfalls to make sure that their business is operating…

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Wrongful Death from Arizona Car Crashes

It is devastating to lose a loved one in a car crash. When you discover that the collision was the result of someone else’s negligent behavior, it can be even more difficult to process. Fortunately, our civil justice system provides a legal remedy for those who have been injured, or who have lost a loved…

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The Surprising Impact of a Mild TBI Prognosis and Recovery

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a head injury caused by blunt trauma or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the brain’s normal functioning. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there were about 2.8 million TBI-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths in the U.S. in 2013 (the most recent year…

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Criteria for Filing a Wrongful Death Suit in Arizona

When you’ve lost a loved one, no amount of restitution or validation will make the pain and grief heal faster. Nothing will help you heal except for time. Over time, you will find a “new normal” and learn how to adjust to life with your loved one gone. Dealing with the loss is difficult enough,…

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Defective Products Under Investigation in 2017

We are all consumers, and we all buy products that we assume are safe to use as directed. It stands to reason that we should feel assured the things we purchase have been tested for safety and held to rigorous standards by the companies that manufacture them. Unfortunately, however, that’s not always the case. The…

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New Study Links Traumatic Brain Injury and Growth Hormone Deficiency

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most insidious forms of medical issues. While the severity and effects of TBI can vary widely, in many cases families and caregivers are left to financially, medically, and emotionally shoulder the burden of lifelong care for a TBI-affected individual. If your loved one has suffered a traumatic…

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Whistleblower Exposes UnitedHealth’s Massive Medicare Fraud

News broke recently of a huge scandal in the healthcare world: Benjamin Poehling of UnitedHealth Group asserts that his former employer, and likely many other big name insurance companies, are gaming the Medicare Advantage system. Poehling contends that UnitedHealth Group was manipulating a system to incentivize patients to be diagnosed as sicker than they were.…

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Dangerous Games: Sports Most Likely to Cause Catastrophic Injuries

Whether played by children or adults, games and sporting activities are expected to offer a reasonable amount of safety from major bodily injury. Safety gear, such as helmets, or supervision from referees helps to maintain these standards. With all these protections in place, which sports remain dangerous, and which are safe? It turns out that…

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Arizona VA Wait-Time Scandal Revealed Thanks to Whistleblower

Wait-times in any medical situation can be more than simply frustrating; they can be life-threatening. Due the high number of veterans eligible for services in the Arizona VA system, a bonus was devised to incentivize faster appointment scheduling (14 days or under) and appearances. Although the vast majority of veterans receive services in less than…

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How to Protect Yourself From Government Ban on Lawsuits and Damages

Responsibility and accountability – even for the powerful – are rooted into the core of our legal system. This country’s founders knew that a democracy needs a court system that empowers people to protect themselves by holding the powerful to account. That’s why the Constitution guarantees each person the right to a trial by jury.…

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Samsung in the News

Samsung is making news for a couple reasons today.  First, according to the Washington Post, Samsung is expected to present causes of the Galaxy Note 7 fires today.  The Galaxy Note 7, as you likely know, is no longer allowed on airplanes or cruise ships because the phones have a tendency to explode or spontaneously…

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Weekly Recall Recap

Before purchasing products, you should always make sure the items are safe.  But precaution doesn’t end there.  We should all monitor items to make sure nothing we own and use is recalled for safety reasons.  If you or a loved one has been injured by a product – whether or not that product has been…

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Feds Ban Mandatory Arbitration Clauses for Nursing Homes

In a big victory for nursing home patients and the Constitution, the federal government passed a new rule that prevents nursing homes from including arbitration clauses in their consumer contracts.  The new rule applies to every nursing home that accepts federal funding.  Companies, including nursing homes, often include arbitration clauses in their standard contract as…

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Trust Your Gut If You Think A Doctor Made A Mistake

Most people believe doctors are good people who consider helping patients to be the top priority.  And in many cases, that is true.  However, a report by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations found that less than half of physicians feel serious errors should be disclosed to patients.  This is concerning when considering…

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Video of Exploding E-Cigarette

We’ve posted about the dangers of e-cigarettes, but now we have video verification.  This video shows an e-cigarette exploding in the purse of a woman in New Jersey.  “Terrifying, scary. It sounded like a gunshot. It sounded like a bomb went off.” Anything with lithium batteries, including cell phones, risk exploding.  Try to avoid using…

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Former Pac-12 Athlete Compares Football Hits to Car Crashes

Former University of California football player, Neville Hawkins, filed a lawsuit this week against the NCAA and Pac-12 Conference for repercussions of concussions he received while playing college football in 1970 and 1971.  According to the lawsuit, the NCAA, Conference and the University knew about the dangers of concussions, and that football hits caused such…

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Former Monsanto Employee Gets $22 Million for Assisting the Government

Being patriotic isn’t just the right thing to do.  Sometimes, it pays too.  A former executive at the agriculture company, Monsanto, is being paid $22.5 million for serving as a “whistleblower” to the government by alerting it to securities fraud.  The former executive, whose name is not being released, alerted the SEC to Monsanto’s misstatements…

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