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Railroad Company Responsibility at Railroad Crossings

As a general rule, when cars or pedestrians cross a railroad track, they are crossing as the railroad company’s guest. As with property liability claims, the railroad company owes you a duty of care to ensure the crossing area is safe – in the same way businesses need to make sure their property doesn’t have…

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What Are the Benefits of Hiring Board Certified Attorneys?

Victims of car accidents, slips and falls, product defects, burn injuries, and wrongful death injuries want the best lawyers for themselves and their family member. Some of the ways to determine how skilled a lawyer is include reviewing how many cases the firm has handled, what results they’ve achieved, how long they’ve been practicing, what…

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What, Exactly, Is a Whistleblower?

A whistleblower is a legal term. It refers to someone who discloses fraud, illegal conduct, or severe wrongs in accordance with a whistleblower statute. Many whistleblower claims are brought through the False Claims Act, in qui tam actions. This law, which was enacted during the administration of Abraham Lincoln, rewards people who disclose fraud involving…

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Automated School Bus Safety Cameras

Automated school bus stop-arm cameras are being used in some locations across Arizona and in many other places across the nation. The goal of the cameras is to help monitor drivers who fail to obey the legal requirement to stop when a child enters or exits their school bus. The cameras are operable when the…

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Premises Liability for Snow, Ice and Water in Arizona

Property owners and homeowners in Arizona both owe a duty to people who are legally on their property to protect the them from preventable hazards. More precisely, a property owner can be held liable for injuries due to a slip and fall – if the owner knew or should have known of a dangerous condition…

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Can a Car Accident Cause Chiari Malformation?

Motor vehicle accidents and car crashes can cause various types of injuries. Some of these are easy to identify, like a broken leg or fractured hand. However, other injuries or physical trauma might not be so readily apparent. Head and brain injuries fall into this category. One subset of brain injuries and conditions is known…

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How Long Will My Car Accident Claim Take?

Just as most injuries take time to heal, injury claims take time to fully prepare and document the key evidence. If you rush the process, your claim may not be successful, or you could end up accepting less compensation than you rightfully deserve. Insurance adjusters don’t work for victims; they work for insurance companies who…

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What Are the Costs of Catastrophic Injuries?

Whenever someone suffers a traumatic brain injury, paralysis due to spinal cord damage, or any catastrophic injury due to the fault of another, there are two parts to the case. The first is establishing liability by showing someone ran through a red light, distributed defective drugs or other products, or was responsible for some other…

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Is Now the Right Time to Settle Your Truck Crash Claim?

If you have been injured in a truck crash, and you are still receiving medical treatment and have not been able to return to work, you might be feeling anxious about settling your claim. The trucking company’s insurance company might be approaching you with what seems like a valid offer to settle, but you might…

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