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What Causes Chemical Birth Defects?

Birth injuries are often a result of preventable medical negligence that occurs during labor or delivery. Birth defects, however, develop during pregnancy, and may not be evident until the child is born. Many times, a birth defect is just an unfortunate anomaly that could not have been prevented; it was genetic, or related to an…

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Monsanto Keeps Losing at Trial, but Roundup Might Not Go Away

In May, a California jury heard a case about a couple, Alva and Alberta Pilliod, who had used Roundup for decades and both developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. That same jury awarded the couple more than $2 billion in damages. In July, that award was slashed to $86.7 million. It was the third time that a jury…

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What Parents Need to Know about Teen Drivers and Car Insurance

Parents want their kids to be happy and productive. Today’s parents appreciate that when they were young, they wanted to get their licenses to drive as soon as they could. In Arizona, having a car means greater freedom for the teen and parents. But with a car comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes purchasing insurance.…

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Why Backing Up a Truck is So Hazardous

Tractor-trailers, flatbeds, semis, and other commercial or large trucks are hard enough to control when the driver is going forward. Truck drivers who back their trucks up into traffic are virtually asking for an accident to happen. There are several reasons why backing up trucks are so dangerous: Unusual dimensions. The length of the trucks…

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We Need to Talk about Safety Inspections

Over the last month, the news headlines have been dominated by Boeing: the software that failed, the regulations that were loosened, and the number of people who have died on 737 MAX crashes because of systemic failures to keep planes safe. It’s an important story, because it highlights just how much damage self-regulation with an…

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Sharing the Roads Safely with Big Trucks in Arizona

Summer is approaching, and for those of us living in Arizona, that often means it’s time for family road trips. While the trips are fun, they also require sharing the road with large trucks. Even in the best of circumstances, that can be dangerous. People often think that sleepy, drunk, and otherwise distracted truck drivers…

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