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Why Are Jackknife Accidents So Dangerous?

Have you ever looked at a truck accident and instinctively knew that the driver suffered serious injuries? The tractor-trailer may have swerved off of the road or was tilted in a certain position and it just looked terrible. A jackknife accident is one of those truck accidents that creates that type of damage. You only…

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Can a Car Accident Cause PTSD?

When you are involved in a car accident, you can suffer more than just physical scars. Your car accident could be so graphic and traumatizing that it can cause you to suffer from one of the most difficult mental disorders to overcome. Many car accident victims can suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, known as PTSD.…

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The Dangers of Bridge Strikes by Commercial Trucks

Have you ever noticed those signs around tunnels that warn trucks of a certain height not to travel through them? There is a reason why those signs are posted. When trucks of a certain height attempt to travel through a structure that is too low, a bridge strike accident is guaranteed. Truck drivers who become…

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Arizona Department of Transportation Reveals 2020 Traffic Accident Data

The Arizona Department of Transportation (AZDOT) recently published their annual “Motor Vehicle Crash Facts” report, with statistics for traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities for 2020. The data reveals some illuminating information as to the types of accidents that occurred statewide, the causes of the accidents, and the consequences of those accidents. According to AZDOT, there…

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What Are Speed Limiters on Commercial Trucks?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) recently published a notice of intent to proceed with rulemaking requiring speed limiters on commercial vehicles. Safety advocates believe speed limiters can prevent thousands of fatal traffic accidents each year, but truck drivers have their hesitations about the technology. Today’s blog provides an explainer about speed limiters and…

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How Do We Know Our Amazon Products Are Safe?

Recent discussion in the Arizona Senate about legislation limiting product liability lawsuits to manufacturers rather than sellers is raising a lot of questions in legal and online retail circles. Today we want to take a deep dive into how this legislation might work, how third-party sales work on Amazon, and the responsibility all sellers have…

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Why Isn’t “Vision Zero” Working in the United States?

With traffic fatalities increasing here in Phoenix and across the country, many communities are turning to a program called “Vision Zero,” an initiative designed to eliminate motor vehicle-related deaths, especially for pedestrians and cyclists. However, in the years since several cities implemented these programs, statistics show Vision Zero may not be as effective as first…

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Is My Dash Cam Footage Admissible in Court?

As camera technology gets smaller and less expensive, many car and truck owners are outfitting their vehicles with dashboard cameras, also known as dash cams. Cyclists and motorcyclists sometimes use similar cameras on their helmets. Often these cameras are just for recording the ride and scenery, but they also serve another purpose – recording footage…

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